

The Paris-based workshop was founded in 2011. Frédéric Rochette is an architect, Hervé Winkler is an architect and trained as an interior architect / designer. They graduated respectively from the Paris Val de Seine and Versailles School of Architecture.

RoWin’Atelier is a transdisciplinary firm focused mainly on architecture, interior architecture, furniture design and artistic direction.

Passionate about the history of design and in particular that of the 20th century. Their imagination draws part of the inspirations that serve to give life to their creations.

The promotion of craft skills is also at the heart of RoWin’Atelier’s creations.
Fascinated by the arts and techniques from the past, the workshop also calls on “artisans of the future” with cutting-edge technologies.

They pay particular attention to drawing and writing, the material alone cannot justify the final result.

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