Soline d'Aboville
Soline d’Aboville, designer by training, scenographer and specialist in the creation of shop windows, Soline d’Aboville founded Manymany in 2008.
A graduate of ENSAD and initiated into the art of shop windows for Maison Cartier, she created during 5 years decorating Louis Vuitton windows and events around the world, before lending his talent to Dior Couture. At the same time, Soline works in schools such as HEC and the Institut Français de la Mode. Manymany is an agency specializing in scenography and visual merchandising. Based in Paris, the agency develops tailor-made creative projects internationally for the biggest brands. Manymany brings together independent talent based on projects around Soline d’Aboville, creative director, and supports her clients from the creative brief to the installation of the installations.